Post-Assessment Trauma

When I was in the last years of school, we used to have spot check for uniforms. Our hands would automatically start adjusting our skirts to make them look like they are no higher than 2.5 inches above the knee. The ties would be pulled up, all the way up, enough to almost choke us, since we would rather get choked than button up our shirts until the top. Me, being the disciplined one always managed to escape the scolding. We also had pop quizzes for chemistry which half the class would inevitably fail. In PE, we had random assessments for running a 2.4k or sit-ups or pull-ups. Physics lab was always a surprise since we never came to know beforehand whether we were actually going to work in the lab or just discuss tutorials.

After going to college I sort of forgot about all this. Everything had a deadline about which we were informed months before. There are no ‘Surprise term paper’ or ‘surprise lecture quiz’ or ‘surprise projects’. We know exactly how much time we have before handing in the next assignment. I forgot how a random assessment feels like. Only to be reminded again, today.

When I saw those survey forms which my “girls” filled up today, my heart kind of skipped a beat. When they were filling in details about whether I constantly ask them questions related to studies or if I inspire them to be better, or whether I can be a role model to them, I was thinking if one month is a long enough time to be coming to a conclusion like this. I wonder if it’s only me who thinks this way or would someone else have the same opinion as I do. I wonder what everyone would have said. Am I considered one of the friendly ones or am I the intimidating kind? Sigh. Surprise tests suck. I would rather run a 2.4 kilometers on a hot afternoon.

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20 Responses to Post-Assessment Trauma

  1. Akshay says:

    “2.5 inches above the knee”… Really…. I guess I was in the wrong school (knee length skirt was the norm there)….and this one time principal announced that they want girls to wear Salwaar Kameez…. and all the girls in the assembly freaked out….one girl got so depressed that she went to the school psychiatrist …

  2. Bharat says:

    2.5 inches above the knee? yes… I’ve known girls to use tactics to, um, distract the surprise checkers… quite innovative, these tactics, but they’re those female tactics that everyone is scared of…

    I do agree with you… a month is too soon, but then again, there wouldn’t be much point in taking this survey later (when they wouldn’t be able to give you stuff to improve upon)… dude… now that I know where you live… what the hell do you do?! Are you a full time peer mentor or something?

  3. AJ says:

    lol… :) i cnt wait to get to uni! :D

  4. CollegeGirl says:

    Wow… I remember those uniform checks. I was like you, I never really got in trouble… but those few minutes of panic of yanking down the skirt and trying to get my fingers to button that stupid top one (I was pretty thorough) were never fun. And unfortunately, I’m at a uni where I still have to do the random PE tests :(. But anyways, I hope your surprise assessments went well!

  5. Noelia says:

    intimidating isn’t necessarily a bad thing.. i intimidate people to, i’ve been told -.- but that doesn’t means that once they get to know me they still feel the same.

  6. Gonecase says:

    Such a drastic change between a school and a college, innt ?? Suddenly being regular, obedient seems stupid but still, I miss my school days ! I always liked girls with short skirts ;)

  7. Quarter Past Seven says:

    @Akshay : Haaha funny story! I was in a more liberal school, so 4 to 5 fingers above the knee was okay.

    @Brat: That’s the scary part. 1 month is not enough to make an impact on so many people. If it was only as easy as getting to know their names, I would be a champion.

    @AJ : Relax lah u! 6 months only what! then can go uni oredi :)

  8. Quarter Past Seven says:

    @Collegegirl: I would never know how they went.. It’s confidential! Anyway, welcome to my blog and I hope you kep visiting :)

    @ Noelia: I agree. I intimidate a lot of people. Hopefully, these ones will be inspired by me soon :D hahah that is what the form said!

    @Gonecase: And how many of those liked you back? That, my friend, is the question :P But since you love your school days so much, I am guessing at least a few did..hahah

  9. Quarter Past Seven says:

    @Bharat: Oh I forgot to answer your last question! I am a university student. You can call me a sort of peer mentor. I do it as a part time thing. I stay with secondary and high school kids and see if they are following the rules, whether they need my help and organize activities for them.

  10. Gonecase says:

    Nobody ! and that, my friend, is a fact :|
    But I liked them anyways, unconditional love :P

  11. Quarter Past Seven says:

    hahahah unconditional love for short skirts. Pervert! =P

  12. Gonecase says:

    Naa naa, unconditional love for those who wear short skirts :P

  13. Quarter Past Seven says:

    Aiyoh! tch tch.. bichari ladkiyaan. Waise, what if they wore short skirts one day and salwaar kameez the next? The ‘unconditional love’ dies, is it? :P

  14. jane says:

    took me back to school.. i love them uniforms, n i loved them short, n i loved rolling my socks way down- n i didn’t even have grt calves (not that they’re any sexier now;))

    haaaaa- surprise tests- in a month, maybe a lil’ 2 early, but yeah, the early bird gets the worm, n ya got yours!!:)

    2.4 kms on a hot afternoon- in chennai, durin may—- man i dun need knee length uniforls, i need to run around in my undies!!
    n yeh, all the men will have a surprise test scribbled all over their faces ;);)

    keep them cumin in :):)

  15. Gonecase says:

    Aiyoh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Found tamilian love for yourself, eh ???? :P

    But to my good luck, salwar kameez was not allowed in my school, it has to be skirt n’ shirt :D

  16. Quarter Past Seven says:

    @Jane: Hahahah I ve never lived in chennai, but I can imagine the condition of a poor girl sprinting on a May afternoon!

    @Gonecase: No Tamilian guy for me yet.. Aiyoh is a part of singaporean english.. strange, but true :)

  17. Anuj says:

    so what did the kids write finally?

  18. Gonecase says:

    Don’t tell me that, that can’t be happening !!

  19. Quarter Past Seven says:

    @Anuj: I would never get to know.. Your BC wouldn’t either.. argh!

  20. Quarter Past Seven says:

    @Gonecase: It is true. It has happened :P

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